Very Merry Market Spotlights Unique Gifts From the Region, and Ensures They Arrive In Time for the Holidays. 

 In Bedford County, Blair County, Business, Cambria County, Entrepreneurship, Fulton County, Huntingdon County, News, Somerset County

There has never been a better time to support small businesses. Not only will shoppers be supporting their local economy, but they can also be sure that gifts for family and friends reach them in time for holiday giving.  

“Supply chain stress is intensifying as the holidays approach,” said Debbi Prosser, director-business development, Southern Alleghenies Planning and Development Commission (SAP&DC). “Billions of dollars of products are stuck in US ports, and Moody Analytics warns that  out-of-stock products for online shoppers is up 172% compared to January 2020.”  

So, Startup Alleghenies (SUA) joined forces again with local businesses to create a second  online holiday gift directory, the Very Merry Market, a one-stop shopping experience to help businesses and holiday shoppers located at The market runs now through December 31, 2021, and includes special coupons and promotions. It also has the support of local economic development agencies from Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon and Somerset County 

The Very Merry Market offers the added benefit of knowing that gifts bought from local businesses will not be caught in the supply chain nightmare, which can put a damper on holiday giving. Santa’s Helpers can use this directory to find the perfect gifts for everyone on their shopping list by following the links to participating businesses. Those who prefer can also shop in-person, but be sure to check store hours before venturing out. 

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