Startup Alleghenies Coach Matt Fox: “Our region works hard to make all boats rise”

 In Blair County, Coaches

Blair County Coach Matt Fox is using years of business experience to pour enthusiasm into local entrepreneurs.

The Alleghenies region is turning into an entrepreneurial ecosystem for emerging business owners, and Startup Alleghenies’ coaches are leading the charge. Whether it’s help with a business plan, capital, marketing, a physical space or other resources, our coaches will be at your side every step of the way. Blair County Coach Matt Fox is using years of business experience to shape his community and pour enthusiasm into local entrepreneurs. We interviewed him to ask how he got his business start, and why he’s so passionate about his community.

What motivates you to be a coach for entrepreneurs in Blair County?

I enjoy seeing people succeed in all aspects of their dreams, and that translates directly into starting a new business, whether someone is inventing a new product or taking their existing small business to the next level through entrepreneurial thinking and methods. I take pride in seeing companies flourish, no matter what the size, because it inspires others to take a chance. If I can even have a small part in guiding them or giving assistance as a coach, that is a wonderful feeling.

What is your business background?

When I was growing up, my father started his own picture framing business in a spare room in our home called Fox Framing. We answered the house phone (when every house had an actual phone on the wall) “Fox Framing headquarters, how may we help you,” to which all our friends and family had a good laugh, but it was instilled at a young age what professionalism and hard work meant. He was like many entrepreneurs whose companies start as side projects, and while my father never left his full-time job to conquer the custom picture framing world, we did meet a lot of people and grew the business every year.

All my jobs post college have been with smaller companies, with no more than 12 employees, and that has allowed me to experience and be involved with many facets of business. I have been fortunate to have bosses who have embraced my enthusiasm for learning more and more about each business, vendors, clients and more. My “specialty” is in not always having the answers but in having a large network of business owners, leaders and subject matter experts who are always happy to assist an entrepreneur or small business owner.

What are some of the business ideas/startups that you are working on right now?

The exciting part about working with entrepreneurs, true start-ups and small businesses is that there is never a shortage of ideas or business types looking for assistance. Currently the types of businesses include manufacturers, coffee shops, breweries, professional services, retail and food service.

What’s one thing that not many people know about you?

I have seen approximately 98% of all Hallmark Christmas movies.

Why Blair County? What makes it an ideal place for business and livability?

You can’t go wrong choosing any county in the Startup Alleghenies footprint as our region works closely everyday and our businesses and leaders don’t see county lines and want all ships to rise, not just their own.

For Blair County the unique attributes are that we are a place that was born on innovation and entrepreneurship. The majority of our major employers and companies that started with a dream and now employ thousands and reach well beyond our county and the state. Those family-owned companies are always happy to help the next start-up and small business to grow and be successful.

In addition we have Penn State Altoona and their Sheetz Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence in downtown Altoona and the recently completed St. Francis University Curry Innovation Lab center also in downtown Altoona to support new ideas and businesses.

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