Concrete efforts lead to time, freedom, and a family bond

 In Articles, Cambria County

Izabella Darcangelo is finishing a concrete sidewalk. Izabella is the daughter and right-hand gal for the owner, Dave Darcangelo.

Freedom. Time freedom is what has kept Dave Darcangelo working for himself since 2005. “My youngest daughter plays sports, and I refuse to miss her games,” he shared. “With this business, I can create my schedule and be there for every game.”

What started as construction and remodeling turned into a concrete business about three years ago. “I enjoyed concrete, and I saw an opportunity for profitability, so we transitioned to strictly doing concrete,” Darcangelo shared. “We are a small company, and we do a lot of the digging by hand, so we can get into small spaces that larger companies won’t touch.”

In a small town, your reputation often precedes you and can make or break your business. “I know a lot of people, and by the work I’ve done, many people know my name, and because it’s a small town, I have to live up to the reputation I’ve created on every job we do,” Darcangelo said.

My youngest daughter plays sports, and I refuse to miss her games,” he shared. “With this business, I can create my schedule and be there for every game.

The cool thing about Darc’s Construction is the other Darcangelo who works by Dave’s side. “My daughter, Izabella, is my partner. She is by my side and has gotten skilled at concrete work,” he said. “It’s the father-daughter dynamic that sets us apart. She keeps me on track, and I get to spend quality time with her, teaching her something I love.”

This custom concrete driveway is a great example of the quality work this team does. Most of their jobs are dug by hand, and hard work is seen in every project.

“The Darcangelo duo of Dave and Izabella is so cool to see,” Startup Alleghenies Coach Blake Fleegle said. “Dave has fully embraced his daughter being part of his business.”

Go hard. And don’t give up. Read books and keep learning along the way, and even though some of us make it look easy… running a business is hard work.

As an entrepreneur, Darcangelo said he always looks for what’s next. “I want to grow the business to be a year-round concrete business so I can pay my employees and take care of them even in the slow months,” he said.

Darcangelo had this advice for other business owners—“Go hard. And don’t give up. Read books and keep learning along the way,” he shared. “And even though some of us make it look easy… running a business is hard work.”

Startup Alleghenies helps startup and emerging small businesses succeed by providing free coaching to entrepreneurs in Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fulton, Huntingdon and Somerset counties. To access personal, one-on-one support from a coach in your county, including guidance, resources, tools and networking opportunities, sign up at


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