Tell the story of YOUR business: Entrepreneur Enrichment Workshop comes to Blair County!

 In Blair County, Entrepreneurship, Events

Startup Alleghenies’ free Entrepreneur Enrichment workshop series continues on June 20th at Altoona Taproom of Levity Brewing from 4-7:30 PM. The topic for this workshop will be “Curating the Story of Your Business” with a presentation by Elijah Austin, CEO and Managing Partner at The YaZo Group. Elijah has been involved in marketing and storytelling for over a decade and he’s excited to share his experience with other entrepreneurs.

At the event, Austin will give entrepreneurs the opportunity to dive into what it means to effectively incorporate storytelling into their business. “Storytelling is changing the landscape in business and that impact creates a meaningful, visceral connection with your customers,” he said.

“As an entrepreneur myself, I’ve been through the ups and downs of a startup,” said Austin. “My story will hopefully provide the attendees with the confidence to take chances and have fun doing it. The more you can connect to your own business, the more fun you’ll have ‘curating the story of your business’.”

“This session will help entrepreneurs grow because it will force them to take an introspective look at their business; oftentimes uncovering areas of growth or opportunity by reverse-engineering,” said Austin. “Storytelling for entrepreneurs provides an opportunity to create an interlocking connection with your consumers and audience.”

The free event will be an encouraging and practical time for entrepreneur enrichment. Following the presentation, Joe Glass of The Grey Medium will direct a creative activity taking professional headshots. Free refreshments will be provided after the workshop portion of the evening.

“Attendees can expect to have an engaging workshop that will hopefully provide a framework for effective storytelling — identifying the characters in the story of their business, how those characters drive the story (product or service) and how that story ultimately connects to their audience (their customers),” said Austin. Make this event part of your June plans!

You can register for the FREE June 20 event here!

This Blair County workshop is the second in a series of five scheduled once a month into September. Future sessions include:

July 18
Somerset County
Crafting an Elevator Pitch & Selling Yourself
The Lodge at Indian Lake

August 15
Huntingdon & Fulton County
Building Trust through Consistent Messaging
We Gather

Bedford County
Redirecting Negativity to Perform as Your Highest Self
Next Door

Startup Alleghenies helps startup and emerging small businesses succeed by providing free coaching to entrepreneurs in Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fulton, Huntingdon and Somerset counties. To access personal, one-on-one support from a coach in your county, including guidance, resources, tools and networking opportunities, sign up at

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