Local entrepreneur shares 7 strategies for juggling your startup with a full-time job

 In Entrepreneurship

Balancing a full-time job with the demands of a budding startup is a formidable task that requires dedication, planning, and a touch of creativity. Many aspiring entrepreneurs find themselves in this challenging position trying to nurture their entrepreneurial dreams while maintaining a steady income.

Martina Springer, founder of Boxed Up Expressions, knows this circumstance well. She is living proof that it’s possible to navigate the startup journey while working full-time. She shared some strategies to help other entrepreneurs do the same.

1. Early bird gets the worm

Springer says that her routine is key to effective time management. “I start my day around 5:00 a.m., taking advantage of the quiet early hours before the rest of my household awakens,” she shared. “This time is devoted to my startup tasks, from scheduling posts to crafting content. Then, I log onto my full-time job at 7 a.m. I work the hours I can during the day and make the most of the 24 hours.”

Harvard Business Review supports her approach and suggests creating boundaries around your on/off time to draw a clear line between your day job and your startup. To minimize the feeling that you are failing at everything, the article says it’s helpful to clarify the measures of success in your day job and the goals you are trying to reach in your business.

2. The power of documentation

Springer relies heavily on digital tools. Her phone serves as her command center, with email, reminders, and notes helping her stay organized. “I set reminders to check on tasks after work, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks,” she said. “A notepad aids in jotting down ideas and tasks, visually keeping me focused and serving as a trigger for post-work activities.”

3. Visualization and motivation

Springer stays motivated by visualizing the endgame: the fruits of her hard work and seeing herself as a full-time entrepreneur. “I have always been an entrepreneur at heart,” she said, “and this is how I am setting myself and my family up for success.”

4. Research and execute

Springer is straightforward about how to approach launching a business while working full-time: “Just do it, but not without due diligence,” she said. “Research is key to understanding your market and industry. It’s also crucial to ensure your startup doesn’t conflict with your full-time job.” In some cases, you can be transparent about your entrepreneurial pursuits with your employer.

5. Seek support and involve your family

Springer emphasized the importance of seeking help and letting go of feeling self-conscious for asking. “The small business community is often eager to support new entrepreneurs,” she said. “I also encourage involving your family in your business endeavors, making the journey smoother and more inclusive.”

6. Setting priorities and expectations

“You have to set priorities and expectations when your business is your side hustle. Being open with customers and clients about your availability is key,” Blake Fleegle, Cambria County Startup Alleghenies business coach, chimed in.

Plus, balancing work, your side hustle, family, friends, and the ever-growing to-do lists will be challenging. The Harvard Business Review suggests that acknowledging the challenge of your reality will aid in your success. When you do this, you can take ownership of your time and share it among your responsibilities.

7. Goal-setting and strategy

Setting goals and detailing your strategic plan for achieving them is a logical first step, so don’t wing it. “Balancing a startup with a full-time job can seem overwhelming, but with goal-setting, strategic scheduling and efficient work methods, entrepreneurs can make the most of their time and bring their startup dreams to life,” Somerset County Startup Alleghenies coach Matt Reckner said.

Working full-time and starting a business is possible with the right approach and mindset. By embracing time management techniques, seeking support and staying focused and motivated, aspiring entrepreneurs grow a thriving business while still earning a steady paycheck while they need it.

Need help bringing your entrepreneurial dreams to life? Startup Alleghenies helps startup and emerging small businesses succeed by providing free coaching to entrepreneurs in Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fulton, Huntingdon and Somerset counties. To access personal, one-on-one support from a coach in your county, including guidance, resources, tools and networking opportunities, sign up at startupalleghenies.com.

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